Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 105 lbs
Bust: 32-34B
Waist: 25" (cinches to 22")
Hips: 31"
Shoe size: 7.5
T-shirts: XS / SM
Hair color: Auburn
Hair length: Medium
Eye color: Brown
Ethnicity: French, Irish, Hungarian, Russian
Skin color: Golden / Olive

Kayla will gladly accept paid work in the following areas:
Commercial / Print
Lifestyle / Editorial
Pin Up
Fetish (for interests and limits please read pin ups & fetish page)
Artistic and Erotic nudes (for limits please read 18 + work page)

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will I shoot the following content:
Anything nude with a man (other than my boyfriend)
Anything including Urine, Blood, Scat
Sexual acts on video (solo or with a woman)